
Sostenibilidad Social y Ambiental

When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then we will realize that we cannot eat money. Indigenous proverb The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Speake, J. (2015).
China Store Colombia

Un poco de nuestro camino hacia la sostenibilidad

For several years now, we have directed our mission and vision towards alternative economic models, specifically the circular and solidarity economy. We embrace this paradigm by integrating environmental and social responsibility into our core operations.

Our goal is not only to align with these principles but also to lead by example, illustrating how companies can thrive while making positive contributions to society and the environment. We are actively engaged in various social and environmental projects aimed at creating a significant impact.

We would like to share our experiences and also the information about these startups, encouraging our customers, suppliers, allies, partners, and all stakeholders to be aware, reflect and recognize how our actions as entrepreneurs influence our environment and impact the future of our generations.


Nuestros Proyectos de sostenibilidad social y ambiental

Arroz Amazónico
Arroz Amazónico
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Plan ordenamiento territorial
Plan ordenamiento territorial
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Gira Artística a grises
Gira Artística a grises
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